2020 Boating Holiday Gift Guides! What To Buy for Boaters.

What to holiday gifts to buy for boaters

It's always difficult to decide on the perfect holiday present. Still, if you've got a sailor in the family, this holiday gift guide will make sure that any boater will have a gigantic smile on their face when the time comes to unwrap your offering! 

It's surprisingly easy to find the perfect boating gift once you know what you're looking for, so here are some excellent boating gift ideas.

Featured Product

Better Boat Soap

Boat Wash Soap

Emergency Signaling Devices

What could say that you care about your resident sailor more than ensuring that they have an emergency signaling device? You can opt for a satellite phone or even just a simple EPIRB.

The gesture is sure to be appreciated. Even if you both hope that the situation will never devolve to the point that they'll have to use it, it will give everyone peace of mind to know that this perfect boating gift is ready to keep your loved one safe at sea

Featured Product

Better Boat Air Horn

 Better Boat Air Horn 3.5oz 2 Piece Setup

Other Boating Electronics

If your boater is set regarding safety devices, there are still many fancy boating electronics to choose from. These can range from a new multi-function display to a VHF radio upgrade.

Boating electronics might have a steep price tag, but they always make a decent pick for a holiday boating gift because technology evolves quickly.

For a sailor that loves a bit of fishing? There isn't much that will be more appreciated more than a GPS/fish finder. Personally? I'm hoping that Santa will bring me one and make this a very merry boating Christmas.

Featured Product

Better Boat De-Salt Concentrate

Fishing Rods and Reels

While a fish finder might be a great gadget to tool around with, it won't do much good at all unless it's paired with a great fishing rod and reel

There isn't much that's more exciting than hanging out on your favorite ocean or lake to ring in the New Year. New fishing rods can only take that feeling to the next level.

No matter what time of year it is, and even if you don't catch anything, fishing is a great excuse to kick back and relax while enjoying a few beers.

Bilge Pump

While not as sleek and sexy as some of the other items on this list, a manual bilge pump can be a great low-cost boating present that just screams practicality. If you're willing to commit to your sailor gift just a bit more, a fully-fledged bilge pump will always be appreciated.

Most boats only come with one, but installing a second bilge pump can be convenient and might even save a life!

Featured Product

Better Boat Dock Line

1/2 In White Dock Lines for Boat

Boating Tow Toys

Towables are another cost-effective genre with a lot of variety. Whether you're gifting a towable inflatable, water skis or wakeboards, there's always some great fun and bonding in store when the tow toys are unwrapped.

Before you take the leap, you might want to explore the differences between a ski boat vs a wake boat, just so you know which gift your prospective recipient will likely prefer.

Boat Cleaning Products

Boat cleaning products are always welcome. I go through around four or five bottles of boat soap concentrate every year. It's not easy to maintain a boat, whether it sees a lot of use or not.

Helping out the boat lover in your family with the cleaning costs will always be warmly welcomed. You can also opt for something that might've gone ignored for too long, such as the above teak brightener.

Featured Product

Microfiber Sponge Set

Final Thoughts

It's always the thought that counts. Keep your head high even if you're handing out or receiving macaroni necklaces!

If you have the cash flow to indulge in a hobby as expensive as boating, then you should do so, but if you don't? Well, we are working on a list of low-cost boating gift ideas that should arrive soon. Keep an eye out for it!

Featured Product

Better Boat Interior Cleaning Kit

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