5 Properties of a Quality Boating Shoe: Dock Shoes Made Easy!

How to pick the right shoes for boating or sailing

We don't often think about our shoes. We slip them on in the morning, and they work all day long with barely even a second glance.

The kind of shoes that you're wearing is supremely important, not just because you want to avoid a fashion faux pas but also because they can mean the difference between safety and tragedy. You might think that's a bit dramatic, but the type of boating shoes you wear can make a huge difference. 

Even if you aren't worried about slipping on the deck because you've used some of our amazing no-slip boat deck cleaner, you'll still want to avoid getting your socks soaked by a rogue wave. On top of that, you'll want them to be stylish and comfortable.

What makes a good pair of dock shoes? There are five factors, and we'll review them in order of importance.

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5 Properties of a Quality Boating Shoe: Deck Shoes Made Easy! ladies feet

Siping and Tread Patterns

One of the most popular tread patterns for a deck shoe is a series of wave-like grooves that allow the shoe to grip the deck and push water out. This design was developed by Paul Sperry in 1935.

The Sperry Top-sider is still one of the most popular boat shoes out there! Many other brands have risen to precedence as fine boat shoes, but nothing has the same degree of prestige.

When you're shopping for a deck shoe, you'll want to check the toughness of the tread or siping as well. Some rubber compounds are softer than others, and these 'gum shoes' maintain a much better grip on the deck than rugged shoes. 

Of course, the softer sole might also leave scuff marks more easily, which is covered in the section on sole color. Good topsiders are a huge boon to sailors.

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Better Boat Deck Cleaner 

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Water Resistance

Wet socks are the bane of my existence, but if you're scurrying fore and aft on a boat being rocked by swells, it becomes a bit of an inevitability. The more water-resistant your shoes are, the more comfortable your life will be.

Of course, a shoe that is completely waterproof means that no air will be moving over your feet, which can lead to some rather stinky situations. You'll want your chosen material to be breathable but also capable of wicking moisture away from the soles.

Leather has been used for as long as deck shoes have been on the market. It's probably the best option if you can afford it. There are synthetic materials that do the same job and dry much quicker, but style and comfort are always factors that shouldn't be neglected.

Some people don't put much stock in that kind of thing, and for them, a synthetic material will serve capably at a very nice price.

5 Properties of a Quality Boating Shoe: Deck Shoes Made Easy! beach man

Fasteners and Buckles

How are you going to keep your shoes on? Laces are standard, but I'm extremely paranoid about them coming undone and causing me to take an unplanned dip.

Slip-ons might do, particularly if there is some sort of internal lace around the foot or ankle. How about buckles? Well, they're kind of old-timey. You don't want to hop off the boat and have people look at you like a pilgrim disembarking from the Mayflower.

The last option is my favorite option, and that would be wonderful and reliable Velcro. Velcro maintenance isn't needed often. It doesn't come undone unless you explicitly want it to do so. Best of all? Slips on and off in a flash! In emergency situations, you'll be grateful for your Velcro opening.

Is it the most fashionable thing in the world? Not by a long shot, but there are plenty of shoes out there that either hide the Velcro or incorporate it well.

I once had a jerry-rigged Velcro pair with a set of fake laces on the back of the strap. They were hot-glued and never came undone, and you couldn't tell that the laces were just decoration without a very close inspection! I miss those shoes.

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Better Boat Grip Tape

White Grip Tape

Sole Color

If you ever find a supposed 'dock shoe' with a sole that isn't white or tan, you'll want to walk away from it as quickly as possible. No matter what the salesperson will tell you, what you're looking at is most assuredly NOT a boating shoe.

Brown or black soles will scuff up your deck to no end and are just a general nightmare, particularly if you've got many people moving with a purpose.

Whenever I see someone clomp their way onto my deck with big hiking boots, I cringe. I know it's going to lead to a certain amount of cleanup, even if they haven't actually been using them for hiking.

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Better Boat Erasers

While we've got some boat scuff erasers that will make short work of these friendly reminders, why would you go through more trouble than you need to? Tell people what shoes to wear and why.

If they think you're a stick in the mud, that's fine. At least my aging back will thank me.

5 Properties of a Quality Boating Shoe: Deck Shoes Made Easy! shoes on the bow

Comfort and Style

This could be the most important or the least important aspect depending on who you're talking to. In the end, it has no effect on anyone but yourself, so it gets the last spot on the list.

Regardless of that, being comfortable is supremely important. If nerves in your foot are firing off, they're trying to tell you something is wrong. Never wear shoes that aren't completely comfortable because small issues can cause huge damage if you're wearing them daily.

Style is arguably quite a decadent thing to consider, but I always find myself looking for something that suits me and doesn't scream 'I COULD BE YOUR GRANDPARENT!'

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Boat Cleaner Wipes With UV

You want people to know you're a 'boat person,' and a nice pair of boating shoes will speak volumes to the observant outsider. This is the primary reason that I insist on leather. It doesn't mean that I'm self-absorbed, it simply means that I take pride in my appearance and my boat's appearance.

There is nothing wrong with taking satisfaction from the finer things in life, including a nice pair of dock shoes! If you really want to get the party started check out our list of fun boating gear.

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Better Boat Leather Cleaner

Marine Leather Cleaner And Conditioner

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