The Ultimate Boat Emergency Kit to Keep You Safe and Sound

The Ultimate Boat Emergency Kit to Keep You Safe and Sound

If not for the courage of the fearless crew, the Minnow would be lost.

It's just too bad the crew didn't bring the three pieces of boat safety equipment or even an emergency boat kit along with them. If they had, they wouldn't have found themselves shipwrecked.

Or, in the worst case, they would've had the boat tools to repair the Minnow or get themselves rescued.

No coconut radios required.

Our Recommended Product

Better Boat Air Horn

Better Boat Air Horn 3.5oz Back of Package

Whether you plan to be on the water for a three-hour tour or out boat camping for several days, you need to plan for anything that could go wrong with your boat or your passengers and invest in a boaters' safety and first aid emergency kit.

Second only to this main priority, your boat needs the appropriate equipment to legally pass inspections by the United States Coast Guard on a federal level and in the open seas.

While some items are required to obtain permits and lower insurance costs, other items are must-haves for every boater on board, including furry passengers.

For preventative measures, you should also know navigation basics, understand charts and follow the "rules of the road" on the waterways.

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Better Boat Waterproof Spray

How to Create Your Boat Emergency Kit

Every boat starts with the same essential emergency kit.

Of course, you might need a slightly different boaters' safety kit with some additional items thrown in based on where you're boating and what other outdoor activities you'll be engaged in.

I'll start with the basics and then explain what's required by law in most regions of the United States.Then, I'll toss in some of those additional items you might find handy. By the end of this post, you'll know exactly what you need in your boat's emergency kit.

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Better Boat Silicone Squeegee

Silicone Squeegee

The Basic Emergency Kit for Boats

We've touched on safety equipment for pontoon boats, but pontoons don't visit large bodies of water too often. You need a more comprehensive list if you plan to visit high seas and open waters.

Emergency Kit List for Boating at Sea

  • Buoys: Your basic buoy style will suffice as a water marker.
  • Bailer kit: It's important to have a boat bilge pump, or at the very least, a basic bailer kit with a few handy items included.
  • Desalinator:saltwater desalinator is necessary if you become stranded and need fresh water. If you're not boating in salt water, then you can opt for a regular outdoor water filter.

Last but not least, you need a watertight, floating container to store the recommended items listed above. In fact, you may want to invest in an all-around boat damage control kit that contains multiple needed items, and then add whatever else you need from there. 

While these items touch on first aid for your vessel, the following lists cover first aid for passengers.

Featured Boating Product

Better Boat Throw Bag

The Passenger First Aid Kid

The band-aids and Neosporin of a basic First Aid kit are good to have on board, of course, but you'll need more than that. On the water, especially larger ocean waters, there's a whole new range of incidents and accidents that can occur.

Passenger First Aid Checklist

  • Seasickness tablets: There are plenty of techniques for avoiding seasickness, but when eating ginger candies or staring at the horizon fails, you'll want to have antiemetics like Bonine or Dramamine on hand. Check out this CruiseCritic article to determine which tablet is right for you.
  • Jellyfish sting relief ointments: Don't pee on jellyfish stings, please! Urinating on jellyfish stings is an old wives' tale and can trigger a nematocyst's barbs to release poison and accentuate the pain. True ointments range from straight vinegar to sting ointments.
  • Rehydration salts: The World Health Organization suggests a homemade formula (½ tsp salt + 6 tsp sugar + 1 qt clean water), but for the sake of convenience, stock Pedialyte packets.

Our Recommended Product

Better Boat Bilge Pump


The US Coast Guard's Required Boat Emergency Kit


If you take your vessel out in the deep blue, there are more pieces of safety equipment you need (especially if you come across rough seas or dangerous weather).

This is the USCG's list of required boating safety equipment, which also can vary depending on the size of the boat. Always check your local state boating laws, as they may require additional items to meet additional laws.

Featured Boating Safety Product

Better Boat Air Horn

Better Boat Air Horn 3.5oz Back of Package

Better Boat's hair horn can be heard up to a 1/2 mile away. It's compact and portable for boating, camping, walking and bicycling. It meets U.S. Coast Guard requirements for boats up to 65 feet.  

The Minimum Guidelines Checklist

  • Life jackets and PFDs: You'll need one PFD jacket for every person on board, and can choose from Type I, Type II, Type III and Type V.
  • Flotation device: The Type IV Ring for tossing is needed if the boat is 16 feet or more.
  • Fire extinguisher:  There are different requirements for different sizes of boats, as you can see below. In all cases, I recommend purchasing the Kidde Mariner brand of extinguisher.
    • Boats 26 feet long or less: One B-1 Handheld Portable
    • 26 to 40 feet long: Two B-1 or 1 B-2 Type extinguishers
    • 40 - 65 feet long: Three B-1 extinguishers or combo of one B-1 + one B-2
    • 65+ feet long: B-2 (amount depending on weight of vessel) + fixed system in machinery
  • Sound devices: Boats under 40 feet should carry air horns or whistles that can be heard from half a nautical mile away. Boats 40+ should have both a horn and a whistle.
  • Visual distress signals: In larger bodies of water where there are high seas (Great Lakes included), there are some rules to follow for visual signals. Based on the size of your boat, you'll need either daytime signals or nighttime signals (or both).

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Better Boat Microfiber Sponge Set

Microfiber Sponge Set Full Set Bundle Kit

  • Boats less than 16 feet must be carrying three approved night signals. Boats 16 feet or more must have three approved night signals and three-day signals on board. For the daytime, you're legally required to carry three hand-held flares, but be overly cautious and carry more red aerial flares (seen at longer distances) or parachute flares (burn longer). The latter are standard and used both day and night, but consider this newer electronic device. If you opt for flares, check the expiration dates before hitting the water.
  • VHF radio: Get a mountable VHF radio.
  • Extra fuel: Bring a polyethylene diesel fuel container and keep it safe on the boat.
  • Toolkit: This tool kit set should do the job, but only you know your boat best. You could make your own tool set and buy extra wrenches, props, spark plugs, pliers and screwdrivers individually.
  • Sun protection: Obviously, be sure your sunscreen has high SPF 30+ for worst-case scenarios where you can't get out of the sun. You can get pretty red while stranded and waiting for a tow.
  • A bucket to use as a bailer: This collapsible bucket won't take up space and you can buy several for more hands.
  • Oars or paddles: You'll see this more technically referred to as Secondary Propulsion, which simply means an extra oar or trolling motor.
  • Boat hook: Something like telescoping hooks are great to grab something lost overboard.
  • Anchor and chain: Choose the correct anchor for pontoons or boats. Then, find the average water depth you're boating in and multiply that by five times to calculate how much anchor chain and rope you need.

Our Recommended Product

Better Boat Anchor Chain

The Vessel Safety Check Kit

Also known as a VSC, Vessel Safety Checks are voluntary and performed as a free public service by the U.S. Coast Guard and Coast Guard Auxiliary. They're done as a courtesy for all boaters, so I suggest you just have it done to make certain all safety equipment is there and in proper condition.

In addition, the volunteers will run through basic boating safety to refresh your memory. Here's each item in addition to what's required and already mentioned above that examiners will be checking off:

  • Navigation lights: In addition to basic navigation lights, learn how to use them properly to navigate at night.
  • Fire extinguisher: Check expiration dates, pressure gauges, seals, tamper indicators, deterioration and clogged nozzles. Refer to the fire extinguisher guidelines above for number and size requirements.
  • Backfire flame control: More widely known as backfire flame arresters, these must be equipped on inboard gasoline engines and secured to the carburetor air intake. The approval number must be visible. Check your engine manufacturer to specify the type you need.

Featured Boating Product

Better Boat Anchor Line

  • Overall vessel condition: They'll check the electric/fuel systems and galley-heating systems, make sure the deck is free of debris, check for hazardous objects and check the bilge.
  • Ventilation: Was your boat built before 1980? If so, it must have two ventilation ducts capable of ventilating each compartment containing gasoline engines or tanks. The only exception is tanks, which vent outside and also contain no unprotected electrical devices. After 1980, your boat must have two ventilation ducts and be fitted with cowl vents like this one.
  • Properly displayed number identification and documentation: They want to verify that your registration numbers and validation decals are correct. And that you have the correct documentation and registration to provide should you be stopped.
  • Navigation rules book: I'm sure there are several available books on the subject, but for safe measure, stick with this one published by the Coast Guard. It's absolutely required for boats over 40 feet!
  • Pollution placards and MARPOL trash placards: Again, this is only required for boats out at sea to be approved by USCG. You can purchase the entire set here.
  • Marine sanitation device: MSDs are only required for permanently installed toilets and heads. They are not required for portable toilets. Learn more about the EPA's standards.

Vessels that pass the USCG requirements will obtain a VSC decal sticker. However, this does not give you a free pass from being searched!

Visit www.safetyseal.net for more information and to schedule a local VSC inspection.

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Better Boat Soap & Flush Kit

Federal, State or Local Requirements

You should always check your local laws to double-check safety requirements, but regardless, here's additional equipment they may strongly encourage and recommend, but not necessarily require:
  • Flashlight
  • Boat capacity plates/decals
  • Person-in-water kit (also known as a PIW kit)
  • Emergency drinking water aside from rehydration salts (you should have extra bottles of water on board too)

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Better Boat Upholstery Brush Set

Preventative Measures

Most boating accidents and mishaps can be prevented. Don't run out of fuel because of a broken fuel gauge or failing to check before you head out.

Remember to check weather conditions before leaving the dock. Always have a tentative plan and know the waters where you're headed. Prevention, attentiveness, and a good boater's safety and first aid kit can save lives!

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Better Boat Hitch Tightener